Satirical News Service
Washington DC
A new secret deal has been hammered
out with leaders of the Taliban. After convincing Taliban leaders that Donald
Trump is still the US President and has been re-instated just as he claimed. He will be
flown to Kabul to sign a formal surrender to the Taliban after which will he be shown converting to Islam. In
exchange, the Taliban will allow free unhindered passage to the US-held airport until the
evacuation can be completed. Trump will be escorted to Kabul by US Marshalls willingly or
unwillingly where he will have a choice to comply or come home in two pieces.
Once he has complied, he will be allowed to fly to Russia to remain there free from US prosecution. In a statement by un-named government sources who brokered
the deal, he said “Trump has said he wants to help the Afghan people and show
how much rapport he has with the Taliban leaders, now he has a chance to.” The Biden Administration is saying it is a win-win situation for everyone.