
FAKE NEWS (just seems like it could be true)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

iSpend Will Be The Latest Unique Feature In The iPhone6

Satirical News Service
Cupertino, CA

Omitted in the hugely attended Apple Inc. presentation of the iPhone6, that revealed revolutionary new features such as iPay ,was another new app called iSpend.  iSpend features  Siri, first featured in previous iPhones, who  gradually learns your spending habits and actually goes out on its own and spends your money. 
Here is the transcript from a recent Beta test.

John: WTF! Siri, I just got my credit card bill and it was over $8000

Siri: I see from your browsing that you like to look at clothes and vacation destinations so I went online and ordered you the entire line from LL Bean, and booked you on a 28 day cruise to Mexico. I also saw that you recently browsed Victoria secret WEB site so I ordered  you several intimate panties from their new fall line. I hope you are happy about this.

John: No Siri, I can’t afford all this stuff!

Siri: Of course you can, I simply paid for it all with iPay, it can’t be any easier.

John:  OMG it’ll be years before I can earn enough money to pay down this bill.

Siri: No John, it will only be one year. Then Apple will announce the new iPhone7 which will contain the app iWork, so you can relax while your phone does your work for you.

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