As many states have now opted to strictly limit bathroom use
to individuals of their specific biological sex. Some establishments have elected to
provide gender neutral bathrooms. However using one requires some instruction.
Instructions for Using A Gender Neutral Bathroom
Establish which gender you wish to use when using the
elimination device found within. You may choose any gender you wish, but once
you have started, you may not switch in-mid-stream, so to speak.
Determine which position you which to utilize the
elimination device in; as a male utilizing the standing position, a female
utilizing the squat position, or male or female utilizing the sitting position.
It is not recommended for biological females to utilize the standing position.
If you have elected to use the seated position, be sure
that all parts of your “junk” are well centered and at proper angles to ensure
a direct flow into the center of the elimination device.
If you have elected to use the standing position utilize
the marked lines to gauge the proper distance to stand from the elimination
device so as to optimize the accuracy of the flow, and to minimize the
possibility of over or under shots.
After you have completed your choice of eliminations,
you may elect to use the toilet paper dispenser, usually locate to the left or
right of the elimination device. If you have chosen to identify yourself as a
member of the female gender, you may continue to remain seated,utilizing the
toilet paper in which ever hand you choose to cleanse the anatomical area from
which you have just eliminated. If you have eliminated from both frontal and
rear regions, it may be necessary to complete this operation from a standing
position by reaching behind to complete the task. In most cases small
quantities of toilet tissue may be safely flushed along with the bodily waste,
but you should consult the specific policies of the establishment as to whether
this is permitted. ** Biological females who are undergoing their menstrual
cycle should consult the instructions provided by the institution as to the
proper elimination of your particular device. Please be aware that since
implementing gender neutral bathrooms, vending machines that dispenses these
apparatus will no longer be available.
Upon completing your tasks, check around the bowl and
floor to make sure there has not been any overflow or misses. If there are
these should be cleaned up immediately with toilet tissue.
Finally,upon leaving, be sure to put the seat down in
the proper resting position,making sure it is clean and dry. You may then
proceed to the gender neutral hand cleansing station to thoroughly wash and
sanitize your hands.
Thank you for use this gender neutral facility.
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