
FAKE NEWS (just seems like it could be true)

Friday, March 3, 2023

Florida Legislature Takes up Bill for Background Checks and Waiting Period to Checkout Library Books

Satirical News Service
Tallahassee, FL

The Republican led Florida legislature today put forward a new bill that would require background checks for all persons wishing to obtain a library card and a 10 day waiting period before checking out any library books.

While we realize that this may impact some law abiding people who just want to read a nice mystery novel , there are some others who may want to check out books like How to give yourself an Abortion, or My happy fun-filled Life as a Transgender. These type of WOKE books pose an eminent danger to our impressionable youths, and out of an abundance of caution, we must have these measures in place to protect them.

Meanwhile the Florida Legislature repealed laws requiring people to obtain a permit for concealed weapons and eliminated age requirements for firearms purchases.


1 comment:

  1. So sad. It worries me what is happening to our democracy...
