
FAKE NEWS (just seems like it could be true)

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Dribble - The Amazing Language Spin App

Dribble - The Amazing Language Spin App.

Ever been in a tricky situation where you really needed a good lie or plausible explanation to get out of some really bat-shit thing you did? Well now Dribble will do just that!

Dribble is the amazing APP that lets users say their version of what they want to say into their smartphones. The user then will select whose style they want to spin it, and presto, Dribble will translate it into a new “version of whatever you did or said” that will be believable by millions of people – no matter how ridiculous or incredulous it seems.

Here are some testimonies from actual users....

“Before I started using Dribble, I would get into all kinds of trouble at work because I just couldn’t lie my way out of it. Now with Dribble I can get away with anything and the foreman will believe it.”

“I can now fool around behind my girlfriend’s back and when she confronts me with ‘where were you last night?’ I simply have Dribble translate what I really did into something she’ll believe. It's incredible!”

“I’ve increased my sales of worthless stocks and bonds 10 fold using Dribble. Now my clients believe whatever I tell them using the Dribble Spin App on my smartphone”.

"I've managed to get re-elected in a conservative bible toting district despite being a pedophile, philanderer, and outright crook using Dribble"

You can choose from more than 10 different well known habitual liars and truth-spinners who have proven track records of getting millions of people to believe whatever bat-shit crazy things they spew.

Available for Android and iPhones now.

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