
FAKE NEWS (just seems like it could be true)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

New Proposed Test to Weed Out Deranged Individuals From Purchasing Firearms

Facing public efforts to try to make  an effort to screen out potential mentally unstable people from purchasing assault rifles, high capacity ammunition rounds, and multiple handguns,the NRA and the Republicans in Congress have proposed  a simple test to determine if you are indeed deranged and should not own firearms
Please answer the following
1.       I believe I have the right to own any type of lethal weapon made without any restrictions in order to prevent tyrannical UN sponsored or liberal One-Worlders from trying  to take away my guns
¨ True                 ¨ False
2.   I need to have hundreds of rounds of ammo and extended ammo clips available to me at all time in case those same One-Worlders try to take away my guns
¨ True                 ¨ False

3.  When Someone is following close behind me at night I think they are ….
¨  a. A gun hating liberal
¨  b. A UN One-Worlder bent on taking away my guns
¨  c. A rapist
¨  d. A mugger
¨   e. An illegal immigrant who wants to rob me
¨   f. Just an ordinary citizen
¨  g. All but f

4. When I see school children playing I think
¨ a .They are secret UN One-Worlder storm troopers bent on taking away my guns
¨ b .They are all bullies who need to be taught a lesson from me
¨ c . I really hate all kids
¨  d. Just normal kids playing
¨  e. all but d

5. When I look at my spouse/girl /boy friend I think
¨ a. Here is my loving spouse/girl/boy friend
¨ b. That bitch/bastard is gonna get it!

6. I believe that guns don’t kill people – just people who aren't deranged like me kill people, and I’m gonna shoot em first!
¨ True                 ¨ False

Answers: 1. True, 2. True,3.  g, 4.  e, 5. b, 6. True

If you scored the correct responses, then you are not a deranged person, but just an ordinary gun loving American who believes in upholding their Second Amendment Right to bear arms. Go ahead  buy your guns  and good hunting.

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