
FAKE NEWS (just seems like it could be true)

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Quest for the Perfect Lie

The Quest for the Perfect Lie

There once was a grump named Take-it-all Trump

He was not like you or I,

The thing he wanted most in life

Was to tell the ultimate lie

He‘d lie about everything, whether it mattered or not

He’d lie if it was cold, he’d say it was hot!

He lie about climate or even the rain

He’d lie about the path of a cat 5 hurricane

He’d lie about how climate was affecting the earth

He’d even lie about a President’s own place of birth

He’d lie about people who heroes became

He’d call them insignificant or desecrate their name

He’d lie about his opponents failing health,

His own of course was kept deeply in stealth

He’d lie about taxes and how much he paid

He’d lie about his wealth and the deals he’s made

When true facts emerged that countered his views

He'd lie and chalk it all up to “reporting fake news”

He’d lie how his poll number were the greatest of all

And people just wondered how he had so much gall

And if you accused him of lying, he’d say to your face

That you were the liar – because of your race!

But despite all these lies he still wanted more

To tell the perfect lie, “That’s what I yearn is for”.

So he went on a quest to seek the greatest liar

Of lies great and small, no fabrication could go higher

And in the far land of Russia he’d once heard tell

Of a man who could lie better than any lie He could sell

So to this man Putin he did bow at his feet

Who offered him lies to cause his opponent’s defeat

And in exchange, he'd ask a small deed,

When the time is just right, he’d say what he’d need

So trump took his offer and the election did steal

And lied of the landslide he’d won, though none of it real

But the ultimate lie, was waiting there still

And he could not face it – No matter his will

For the ultimate lie, that he just couldn’t face

Was the truth that his Presidency was a total disgrace.

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