
FAKE NEWS (just seems like it could be true)

Friday, September 28, 2018

How Brett Kavanaugh might behave as a Supreme Court Justice (satire)

If Brett Kavanaugh’s behavior at the  Senate Judiciary Committee hearings is anything like how he will be as a Supreme Court Justice, here is how I imagine the re-hearing of the Roe v Wade case go……

CJ: We will now begin to hear from the lawyer in defense of Roe v Wade

K: Chief Justice, before we begin these arguments I’d like to make a statement…

CJ: Go ahead, but make it brief

K: We need to take a vote on this now. These arguments have all been heard before. If there was anything new, why didn’t they come up before? Also, who is this Roe person? She admittedly did not recall how she got pregnant so what gives her the right to terminate it? Women who get pregnant have plenty of time to decide if they want a baby or not – then they wait until after they are pregnant and sometimes far along in it to decide that they don’t want to bear the child? This is just a case of those anti-Christian, #MeToo movement people filling their young heads with ideas about being “career women” instead of stay-at-home-moms, and the liberal Dems pushing forward their misguided agenda. Our founding fathers gave us the Freedom of Religion, and my Religion says abortion is wrong, so I am exercising my Freedom! The founding fathers said nothing about the right to an abortion, so obviously they were against it. If they had objections, why didn’t they come forward when the Bill of Rights was written instead of waiting some 200 years before raising this issue when the Democrats were in power and could sway the court their way. I think the American people have waited long enough for us to decide this issue and now that we (conservatives) are in the majority, I see no reason to further delay this miscarriage of justice by my Liberal predecessors. We’ve already had more than 40 years of arguments, hearing more is just the Liberal Dems tactic to delay, delay, delay. I’m in favor of dismissing any further talk on this and let’s take a vote today on this.

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