
FAKE NEWS (just seems like it could be true)

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hillary Clintons Secret Emails Revealed - Between Donald Trump and Her

The FBI has finally released the last of the emails that have been kept secret on Hillary Clinton’s server. It appears to reveal a number of very intimate exchanges between Donald Trump and her.

My Dearest Hillary:
                I know how much it means to you to win the Presidency this time.  I have a plan – I know it sounds audacious, but trust me darling it will work! I will run for President on the Republican ticket! I’ll rant and rave about Build a Wall between the US and Mexico, I’ll say we’ll kick out all the Muslims. Those Tea Party idiots and Right Wing nuts eat it up, meanwhile the established Republican candidates won’t know what hit them as my poll numbers keep climbing and climbing. I’ll even go on TV and tell the world my Dick is bigger than theirs (but you already know that my darling…..). Soon they won’t be able to touch me. Meanwhile the rest of America will see how totally insane the Republican Party is and you’ll be a shoo-in. Then at last you’ll be free to dump that oaf Bill and we can rule the world together – just like we did that one night until those stupid terrorists in Bengazi  ruined it. Have faith my dearest Hillary. This time we will prevail, because I know how to do Great Things!

Dearest Donald,
                I cannot ask you to take such a risk, your reputation will be ruined. Please I can handle Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz and Rubio on my own.

Dearest Hillary,
                This is something I must do! I cannot bear to see you swept aside once again by an ungrateful nation of idiots. So what if they think of me as a misogynist, racist, bully. If it means getting you into the White House, it will have been worth it.

Dearest Donald

                You ARE the greatest! How I long to run my fingers though that thinning front wave of hair again. For now this must be kept our sacred secret.

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